Sodium citrate tube
Ideally specimens should be received in the laboratory on the day of venepuncture but may be stored at room temperature overnight if a delay is unavoidable.
As with all coagulation tests the tubes must not be underfilled. Haemolysis should be avoided. Mix the tube by inversion. Do not shake.
2.5 |
Treatment of DVT or pulmonary embolism Artrial fibrillation Cardioversion Dilated cardiomyopathy Myocardial infarction |
3.5 |
Recurrent DVT and PE Mechanical prosthetic heart valves |
Oral anticoagulation control
Routine 1-2hrs
Urgent < 1 hour
In House
Clinical advice is available from the Haematology Medical team (contact RD&E switchboard on 01392 411611)
Specimen Labelling Procedure