Minimum sample volume: 3 ml
IgG Cardiolipin antibodies:
IgM Cardiolipin antibodies:
Anticardiolipin antibodies are present in the antiphospholipid syndrome (arterial & venous thrombosis, recurrent foetal loss, thrombocytopaenia). The antiphospholipid syndrome can be primary or secondary to a CTD such as SLE. If antiphospholipid syndrome is suspected, a lupus anticoagulant screen should always be performed regardless of the cardiolipin result.
In House
Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital (Wonford)
A definitive clinical diagnosis should not be based on the results of a single diagnostic method, but should only be made by the physician after all clinical and laboratory findings have been evaluated.
Clinical advice is available from the Immunology Medical Team at Derriford Hospital
T: 01752 431675
Specimen Labelling Procedure