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VZV Serology (Chicken Pox)


Test Usage

VZV IgG used to determine immunity in the following categories

Transplant assessments, pre-chemotherapy assessment and pregnant women in contact with rash (vesicular). In the case of pregnant women, please include date of contact, nature of contact (e.g. household), and your contact details. We can test the booking blood rather than re-bleeding the patient.

If you suspect acute VZV infection ( usually diagnosed clinically ) and require confirmation please send swab of lesion for VZV PCR.


Blood sample (serum)

Specimen container

Gold top clotted (5ml)

To Request On EPIC

For electronic requesting using EPIC (RDUH ONLY):

Search for: ‘VZV (Varicella zoster) serology‘ or test code ‘LAB162


Processed locally in Microbiology at RDUH

Turnaround Time

24-48 hours IgG

Urgent Specimen Instructions

Please contact the laboratory if urgent test required.

Specimen Labelling Procedure
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