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Hepatitis B Serology


Test Usage

Diagnosis of past / acute infection with Hepatitis B

Test selection:

  • Hepatitis B Surface antigen ( HBsAg)– use for diagnosis of acute ongoing infection/ carrier status
  • Hepatitis B Surface antibody ( HBsAb) – determination of immunity
  • Hepatitis B e markers – determination of infectivity in carrier status in HBsAg positive patients.
  • Hepatitis B Core Antibody – to determine past infection, and as a marker of potential occult infected. Tested pre-chemotherapy & monoclonal antibodies.

To Request On EPIC

For electronic requesting using EPIC (RDUH ONLY):

(For IDPS serology screen search for: ‘First Trimester Serology Screen‘ or test code ‘LAB701‘)

Search for: ‘Hepatitis serology‘ or test code ‘O1230205‘ and select the appropriate panel


Blood sample (serum)

Specimen container

Gold top clotted 5ml

Special Instructions

Please give details of following clinical symptoms:

  • Acute Jaundice
  • Malaise
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • ALT>400

Acute Hep B is mostly (70%) asymptomatic. In cases of acute hepatitis, also request Hepatitis A IgM, Hepatitis C and Hepatitis E.


Processed locally in Microbiology at RDUH

Processing Time

24- 48 hours

Urgent Specimen Instructions

Please phone the laboratory for advice urgent tests / inoculation injuries etc



(Key words: HepB)

Specimen Labelling Procedure
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