Use for determination of active ongoing HBV infection, monitoring of longer term disease progression and response to antiviral therapies.
Blood sample (plasma)
Pink top EDTA (6ml)
For electronic requesting using EPIC (RDUH ONLY):
Search for: ‘Hepatitis B Quantitative PCR‘ or test code ‘LAB1336‘
Samples from patients known to have blood transmissible viral infections should be clearly labelled “High Risk” or “Danger of Infection”.
Please state if patient is on antiviral treatment.
If this is post inoculation injury monitoring following injury from a known HBV +ve donor, send a sample within 48 hours of injury. Include details of the incident, i.e. date, and name/hospital number of the donor (with their consent).
Local test
8 days
Viral loads will be reported in IU/ml and where appropriate a log will be given.
Limit of detection (LoD): 10 IU/mL
Lower Limit of Quantitation (LLoQ): 10 IU/mL
Upper Limit of Quantitation (ULoQ): 1,000,000,000 IU/mL
(Key words: HepB)
Specimen Labelling Procedure