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Hepatitis A Serology



Blood sample (serum)

Specimen container

Gold top clotted (5ml)

To Request On EPIC

For electronic requesting using EPIC (RDUH ONLY):

Search for: ‘Hepatitis serology‘ or test code ‘O1230205‘ and select the appropriate panel

Special Instructions

Please give details of following clinical symptoms:

  • Acute Jaundice
  • Malaise
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • ALT>400

Acute Hep A is mostly (75%) asymptomatic. In cases of acute hepatitis, also request Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Hepatitis E.

Test Usage

Please request HAV IgG for immunity screen.

HAV IgM is used for diagnosis of acute infection. Please discuss with the Consultant Microbiologist before sending this test – we need to know risk factors, and details of high risk secondary contacts who might need HNIG prophylaxis (over 50, chronic liver disease, or immunosuppression).  This test has a relatively low positive predictive value due to non-specific reactogenicity so it is important to pre-select those tested.


Local test

Turnaround Time

48-72 hours



Specimen Labelling Procedure
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