Nucleic acid amplification assay for the detection of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA extracted from neonatal saliva swabs.
The assay used detects a specific target in the exon 4 region of the CMV MIEA gene (major immediate early antigen.)
Diagnosis of congenital CMV infection in new-borns.
CMV is a double stranded DNA virus of the Herpesvirus family. Congenital CMV infection is the leading infectious disease cause of hearing loss in babies.
Buccal/saliva swab in viral transport media
Copan or Virocult swab
Please contact the laboratory to discuss any urgent requests.
Processed locally in Microbiology at RDUH
5 days
CMV Not detected
CMV Detected at low level
CMV Detected
ELITech ELITe InGenius
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) – Lab Tests Online UK
Cytomegalovirus –
Specimen Labelling Procedure