It is a pleasure to be able to finally advise you that the long awaited implementation of a GP Order Communications System (GP OCS) is now under way.
The aim of the project is to offer an electronic Pathology test ordering system for GP Practices sending samples to the RD&E, with this project both orders and results will be sent and shared electronically with the GP requesting the tests.
The system supplier has estimated it will take approximately 26 weeks to build the system and roll out to 5 pilot GP practices; we therefore are estimating delivery during the latter part of Q3, early part of Q4 of this calendar year. The team will then roll out to the remaining sites, planning for 3 practices a week to go live; this is expected to take a further 3-4 months.
The project team with the supplier are currently developing the roll out schedule for this new system, should your Practice like to be one of the early adopters of this exciting project please contact the Programme Team at the following address:-
Chris Carr – Pathology Computer Systems Manager
Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Email:
Should you have any queries relating to the project delivery please contact:
Richard Excell – IM&T Programme Manager
Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Email:
The team at the Royal Devon & Exeter Foundation Trust look forward to working closely with you on this exciting project.
Sarah Hodder Diagnostic Cluster Manager