Flow Cytometry may be a useful test for some lymph node FNA.
All specimens for flow cytometry are processed at Bristol Haemato-Oncology Service (BHODs).
A request form must be filled out alongside a labelled sample: BHODs request form. It is the responsibility of the requesting clinician to complete this form.
Samples should be collected into a white top universal, containing either RPMI, cell culture medium or saline. NO fixative should be applied.
Once a form has been completed and the sample collected, these should be urgently transported to the haematology department in A2 template or to the Pathology Block reception at Wonford hospital. A daily transport leaves at 10am from the Pathology Block and 10:15am from haematology.
The haematology department must be made aware of any urgent samples or samples that have missed this transport so additional transportation can be arranged.
Specimen Labelling Procedure