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Mortuary Services

The mortuary cares for approximately 2500 patients and their families each year. It is both a hospital mortuary as well as a public mortuary.

Autopsies are performed in the department on behalf of H.M. Coroner and by request of hospital medical staff. The mortuary is also the regional forensic centre for Devon and Cornwall.

Facilities include a non-denominational viewing area and a fully equipped modern autopsy suite. The mortuary holds a Human Tissue Authority (HTA) license and is fully accredited with UKAS. Please see the Human Tissue Authority website www.hta.gov.uk for further information.

One of the primary roles of the mortuary is to care for the bereaved. Services such as ensuring timely and correct completion of legal documentation and facilitating the collection of the deceased by funeral directors form part of this care. Mortuary staff are experts in bereavement issues and provide support and advice to external agencies such as the police as well as NHS staff and the bereaved.

The department is one of 10 special schemes run by NHS Blood and Transplant which actively participates in the retrieval of corneas for transplant.

Opening Times

  • Monday – Friday – 8.30am – 3.45pm
  • Weekends & Bank holidays: Closed

Technicians can be contacted via switchboard outside normal working hours for professional advice or to deal with bereavement related issues.

Viewing the Deceased

Please contact the department directly on 01392 403060 for guidance.

Hospital Post Mortems

To arrange a Hospital Post Mortem please contact the Mortuary on extension 3060. The documents for this procedure are found under the Hospital Post Mortem Forms section.

How to find us

The mortuary and chapel of rest are located behind the pathology building. If coming from the main hospital the directions are as follows:-

  • Use the E link corridor and at the Clyst and Creedy end turn left,
  • Proceed through the automatic double doors and turn right into the covered walkway,
  • As the walkway bears left you will see a building directly in front of you, this is the Mortuary.

Mortuary Staff

Name Title Telephone
Dr R Rajab Consultant Histopathologist & HTA Designated Individual 01392 402982
John Prior Mortuary Manager 01392 403052
Rebecca Ledger Deputy Mortuary Manager 01392 403067
General enquiries 01392 403060

Coroner’s Office

To report a community death to the Coroner please call 01392 225696 / 225690

Medical Examiner’s Office

To discuss a hospital death, please call 01392 408396

Bereavement and Tissue Donation Office

01392 402349

Business Continuity

In the event of IT failure please complete this form: Mortuary BCA notice of death form

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